Did you know that according to the CDC 1 out of 3 adults do not get enough sleep? Sleep is the time when the brain and body reset and heal. Getting enough good quality sleep is one of the most important things you can do to decrease inflammation.
In fact, getting good sleep is probably the most important thing you can do for your health overall.
If a nation of sleep deprived adults on the road isn’t enough, to make things worse, sleep problems and mental health disorders are common comorbidities. Remember those inflammatory blood markers we talked about in the first part of this series? (if not, you can check out the article here: https://www.drrozelle.com/post/inflammation-the-root-cause). Insufficient sleep is shown to cause those inflammation markers to skyrocket! This increase in inflammation can make a pre-existing mental health condition significantly worse, or might even lead to symptoms like anxiety and depression that you hadn’t experienced before.
Sleep is an important part of your overall mental and physical health picture, and if you’re not getting enough sleep this could be an obstacle to cure. An obstacle to cure is something that interferes with your body’s ability to heal. You may see some improvements with treatments, but will never fully heal if you have an obstacle that is standing in your way. If you’re one of those 1 in 3 adults who are not getting sufficient sleep you are placing needless obstacles in your path to long term healing. Get evaluated by a properly trained medical professional to help find the root cause of your sleep disturbance.
Don’t forget, many sleep problems are due to poor sleep hygiene. Having a regular bedtime routine and schedule, turning off all electronics at least one hour before bedtime, and sleeping in a cold and dark room will all help improve your quality of sleep.
Check out my article on sleep hygiene (https://www.drrozelle.com/post/top-5-sleep-tips) for helpful tips on how to do this.